Media editions Portal

Portal je informativna stranica o aktivnostima časopisa Portal

The Centre for Accounting and Finance Ltd.  has recently redesigned the current Računovodstvo i porezi u praksi (RiPup) portal and placed it on the new web address, giving it a modern and comfortable user interface as well as new useful services for users. Portal portal is the official website of Poslovni savjetnik monthly magazine. With about 60,000 unique visitors per month, it represents one of the most visited Croatian business news portals.

Računovodstvo i porezi u praksi Magazine

The magazine was launched in 2002 and represents Business Media Group’s first project. It is a monthly magazine for accounting, tax and other economic areas where experts bring news on the regulations, amendments and advice from the aforementioned areas.


This is a magazine intended for the presidents of associations and it contains articles written by experts in many different fields. It is aimed at educating the presidents and other people who work in associations with the goal of achieving easier and more successful management of associations in Croatia. The magazine is issued eight times a year; it organizes seminars and conferences for the presidents of associations in Croatia.

Long term rental for business people

As an upgrade to the long-standing existing business, within our media group, we also offered business people the possibility of long-term rental of residential real estate in the city of Zagreb.